March 8th, 2013

Rita Charon/ photo by Lauren Martinez
At the beginning of this month, the Humanities Institute sponsored a symposium on HerStories:?Breast Cancer Narratives and Counter-Narratives. This interdisciplinary symposium provided?participants and attendees the opportunity to share academic and experiential knowledge and?offered space to engage in dialogue about breast cancer, especially in relation to breast cancer?narratives and narrative medicine. Attendees included faculty and students from the WFU?Reynolda and medical school campuses, as well as other schools in the region, physicians and?other health care providers, and members of the Winston-Salem community.

Mary DeShazer/ photo by Lauren Martinez
The symposium commenced on Friday, March 1 at the Wake Forest School of Medicine with?a historical overview of breast cancer by Chair and Associate Professor of History, Simone?Caron and a keynote address by Dr. Rita Charon of Columbia University, a pioneer in narrative?medicine.
Dr. Charon?s lecture set the tone for the following day?s discussions on the WFU Reynolda?campus which consisted of two keynote addresses by Kathryn Montgomery of Northwestern?University and Amy Boesky of Boston College, respectively, in addition to three panels on?Breast Cancer Patients and Physicians, Theorizing?Breast Cancer Narratives, and Breast Cancer & Performance Narratives featuring faculty from?Wake Forest College, Wake Forest School of Medicine, and the Center for Bioethics, Health?and Society, as well as faculty from Oregon State University, University of North Carolina?Greensboro and Princeton University.
The Humanities Institute would like to thank all the participants and attendees who made the?two-day HerStories symposium so dynamic and rewarding.
View the complete symposium program
Category: Campus Life, Events, Faculty, Humanities, Professions, Research, Symposium, Wake Forest
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